Our Structure

The University is governed by two main bodies: Council and Senate.  At the head of the University are the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shearer West.

University structure

Management and governance

The University of Nottingham is a corporation formed by Royal Charter and holds charitable status. Two main bodies are involved in the governance of the University:


    The University’s governing body is the Council, which meets five times a year. It approves the strategic plans of the University and is ultimately responsible for its finances, buildings and staff.

    It approves all major developments and receives regular reports from Executive Officers, and is required to present audited financial statements. The Council is made up of:

    • 14 external members
    • two student members
    • 9 academic members
    • the Registrar is Secretary to the Council

    Find out more about the University Council


    The academic authority of the University is the Senate, which meets three times a year. Its responsibility is to direct and regulate teaching and examinations, and to promote research. The Senate is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and its membership includes:

    • all Heads of Schools
    • Pro-Vice-Chancellors
    • Deans
    • elected representatives of professors
    • non-professorial staff
    • student representatives

    The day-to-day management of the University is the responsibility of University Executive Board.

      Executive Board

      The University’s Executive Board meets monthly and comprises:

      • Vice-Chancellor
      • Deputy Vice-Chancellor
      • Pro-Vice-Chancellors
      • Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors
      • Chief Financial Officer
      • Registrar
      • Chief Digital Officer
      • Director of Human Resources

      Governance Support

      Support for the governance of the University is provided by the Registrar’s Department.